Linked-List (Predicates)

Inserting into an ordered linked-list which is specified via a recursively-defined predicate. The loop invariant uses a recursively-defined list segment predicate to bookkeep permissions.

/***************************************************************** * List Nodes *****************************************************************/ field data: Int field next: Ref predicate lseg(this: Ref, end: Ref) { this != end ==> acc( && acc( && acc(lseg(, end)) && unfolding acc(lseg(, end)) in != end ==> <= } function contentNodes(this: Ref, end: Ref): Seq[Int] requires acc(lseg(this, end)) ensures this == end ==> result == Seq[Int]() ensures this != end ==> 0 < |result| && result[0] == unfolding acc(lseg(this, end)) in ensures forall i: Int, j: Int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |result| ==> result[i] <= result[j] { this == end ? Seq[Int]() : unfolding acc(lseg(this, end)) in ( Seq( ++ contentNodes(, end) ) } function lengthNodes(this: Ref, end: Ref): Int requires acc(lseg(this, end)) ensures result == |contentNodes(this, end)| { unfolding acc(lseg(this, end)) in this == end ? 0 : 1 + lengthNodes(, end) } /***************************************************************** * Lists *****************************************************************/ field head: Ref predicate List(this: Ref) { acc(this.head) && acc(lseg(this.head, null)) } function content(this: Ref): Seq[Int] requires acc(List(this)) ensures forall i: Int, j: Int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |result| ==> result[i] <= result[j] { unfolding acc(List(this)) in contentNodes(this.head, null) } function length(this: Ref): Int requires acc(List(this)) ensures result == |content(this)| { unfolding acc(List(this)) in lengthNodes(this.head, null) } function peek(this: Ref): Int requires acc(List(this)) requires 0 < length(this) ensures result == content(this)[0] { unfolding acc(List(this)) in unfolding acc(lseg(this.head, null)) in } method create() returns (this: Ref) ensures acc(List(this)) ensures content(this) == Seq[Int]() { this := new(*) this.head := null fold acc(lseg(this.head, null)) fold acc(List(this)) } method concat(this: Ref, ptr: Ref, end: Ref) requires acc(lseg(this, ptr)) requires acc(lseg(ptr, end)) requires end != null ==> acc(, 1/2) requires 0 < |contentNodes(this, ptr)| && 0 < |contentNodes(ptr, end)| ==> contentNodes(this, ptr)[|contentNodes(this, ptr)|-1] <= contentNodes(ptr, end)[0] ensures acc(lseg(this, end)) ensures contentNodes(this, end) == old(contentNodes(this, ptr) ++ contentNodes(ptr, end)) ensures end != null ==> acc(, 1/2) { if(this != ptr) { unfold acc(lseg(this, ptr)) concat(, ptr, end) fold acc(lseg(this, end)) } } method insert(this: Ref, elem: Int) returns (index: Int) requires acc(List(this)) ensures acc(List(this)) ensures 0 <= index && index <= |old(content(this))| ensures content(this) == old(content(this))[0..index] ++ Seq(elem) ++ old(content(this))[index..] { var tmp: Ref index := 0 unfold acc(List(this)) if(this.head != null) { unfold acc(lseg(this.head, null)) } if(this.head == null || elem <= { tmp := new(*) := elem := this.head fold acc(lseg(this.head, null)) fold acc(lseg(tmp, null)) this.head := tmp } else { var ptr: Ref := this.head fold acc(lseg(this.head, ptr)) index := index + 1 while( != null && unfolding acc(lseg(, null)) in < elem) invariant acc(this.head) invariant acc( && acc( && <= elem invariant acc(lseg(, null)) invariant acc(lseg(this.head, ptr)) invariant forall i: Int :: 0 <= i && i < |contentNodes(this.head, ptr)| ==> contentNodes(this.head, ptr)[i] <= invariant forall i: Int :: 0 <= i && i < |contentNodes(, null)| ==> <= contentNodes(, null)[i] invariant index-1 == |contentNodes(this.head, ptr)| invariant old(content(this)) == contentNodes(this.head, ptr) ++ Seq( ++ contentNodes(, null) { unfold acc(lseg(, null)) index := index + 1 var ptrn: Ref := fold acc(lseg(ptrn, ptrn)) fold acc(lseg(ptr, ptrn)) concat(this.head, ptr, ptrn) ptr := ptrn } tmp := new(*) := elem := := tmp fold acc(lseg(, null)) // now we need to concat the remaining segments fold acc(lseg(ptr, null)) concat(this.head, ptr, null) } fold acc(List(this)) } method dequeue(this: Ref) returns (res: Int) requires acc(List(this)) requires 0 < length(this) ensures acc(List(this)) ensures res == old(content(this)[0]) ensures content(this) == old(content(this)[1..]) { unfold acc(List(this)) unfold acc(lseg(this.head, null)) res := this.head := fold acc(List(this)) } /***************************************************************** * CLIENT *****************************************************************/ /* Monitor invariant: * acc(List(lock)) && acc(lock.held) && acc(lock.changed) * && (old[acq](content(lock)) == content(lock) || lock.changed) */ field held: Int field changed: Bool method test(lock: Ref) ensures [true, forperm r: Ref [r.held] :: false] { /* Acquire lock (without deadlock checking) */ inhale acc(List(lock)) && acc(lock.held) && acc(lock.changed) label acq if(2 <= length(lock)) { var r1: Int r1 := dequeue(lock) assert r1 <= peek(lock) lock.changed := true } /* Release lock */ exhale acc(List(lock)) && acc(lock.held) && acc(lock.changed) && (old[acq](content(lock)) == content(lock) || lock.changed) }