Array Max, straight-forward (Quantified Permissions)

Finding the maximum in an array the straight-forward way

/* Finding the maximum in an array. * See also */ define access(a) forall j: Int :: 0 <= j && j < len(a) ==> acc(loc(a, j).val) define untouched(a) forall j: Int :: 0 <= j && j < len(a) ==> loc(a, j).val == old(loc(a, j).val) define is_max(i, a, u) forall j: Int :: 0 <= j && j < u ==> loc(a, j).val <= loc(a, i).val /* Note: Returns the position of the array maximum (and not the maximum itself) to * avoid the need for an existential in the postcondition (and the loop invariant) * that states that there exists an index into the array at which the maximum can * be found. */ method max(a: IArray) returns (at: Int) requires access(a) ensures access(a) && untouched(a) ensures len(a) == 0 ? at == -1 : (0 <= at && at < len(a)) ensures is_max(at, a, len(a)) { if (len(a) == 0) { at := -1 } else { at := 0 var k: Int := 1 while (k < len(a)) invariant 1 <= k && k <= len(a) invariant access(a) && untouched(a) invariant 0 <= at && at < k invariant is_max(at, a, k) { if (loc(a, at).val < loc(a, k).val) { at := k } k := k + 1 } } } method client() { var a: IArray inhale len(a) == 3 inhale access(a) inhale forall i: Int :: 0 <= i && i < len(a) ==> loc(a, i).val == i var x: Int x := max(a) assert loc(a, 0).val <= x assert x == loc(a, len(a) - 1).val /* Necessary to prove the final assertion (due to triggering) */ assert x == 2 assert loc(a, 1).val < x } /* Encoding of arrays */ field val: Int domain IArray { function loc(a: IArray, i: Int): Ref function len(a: IArray): Int function first(r: Ref): IArray function second(r: Ref): Int axiom all_diff { forall a: IArray, i: Int :: {loc(a, i)} first(loc(a, i)) == a && second(loc(a, i)) == i } axiom length_nonneg { forall a: IArray :: len(a) >= 0 } }