
Example from 'A Hybrid Approach for Proving Noninterference of Java Programs', R. Kuesters, T. Truderung, B. Beckert, D. Bruns, M. Kirsten, and M. Mohr, 2015 IEEE 28th Computer Security Foundations Symposium.

// Example from "A Hybrid Approach for Proving Noninterference of Java Programs" // R. Kuesters, T. Truderung, B. Beckert, D. Bruns, M. Kirsten, and M. Mohr // 2015 IEEE 28th Computer Security Foundations Symposium field _result: Int field a: Int method main(global: Ref, secret: Int) requires acc(global.a) requires acc(global._result) requires low(global._result) ensures acc(global.a) ensures acc(global._result) ensures low(global._result) { global.a := 42 bar(secret) var b: Int b := foo(global, secret) global._result := b } method foo(global: Ref, secret: Int) returns (res: Int) requires acc(global.a, 1/4) ensures acc(global.a, 1/4) ensures low(old(global.a)) ==> low(res) { var b: Int b := global.a if (secret == 0) { b := b + secret } res := b } method bar(secret: Int)